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Уровень: 60
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Сторона: Обе фракции
Орде все еще не хватает пятнистого желтохвоста!
Bring 20 Spotted Yellowtail to Fisherman Lin'do at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.
So as you can see, we still be needin' a lot of the fishies. The combatants in the upcomin' Ahn'Qiraj War gonna be needin' a lot to eat, so I needin' to get all the spotted yellowtail that I can. You catch 'em, cook 'em, and bringin' 'em back to me here, and I be givin' you thanks, and the thanks of the Horde.
That be the best catch yet, <имя>! Good, honest work right there. And no bones too! Thanks goin' out to you for this spotted yellowtail here mon. Come back soon if you cookin' up some more!
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