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Уровень: 60
Требуется уровень: 1
Сторона: Обе фракции
Орде опять не хватает бинтов из магической ткани!
Bring 20 Mageweave Bandages to Lady Callow at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.
You returned? Interesting. As you can see I am still collecting for the Ahn'Qiraj 'war effort'. Which means that I need you to once again go out and collect a stack of mageweave bandages for me. I look forward to your return, <класс>.
Astounding, <класс>, you actually did it again! Well, they do say that I have good taste in those that I choose to place in my service. Very well, your contribution is noted and you will receive the social benefits that your efforts have afforded. I suggest though that you go back out and gather yet another bundle of mageweave bandages if you truly wish to prove your worth.
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