Орде все еще не хватает шерстяных бинтов!
Bring 20 Wool Bandages to Healer Longrunner at the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar.Описание
Good to see you again, <класс>. We are still working on preparations here for the war effort, and I can still use all of the help that you can give in gathering up wool bandaging. Any assistance at all will be greatly appreciated. I only hope that our efforts will be good enough. I've lost too many noble souls on the battlefields of yesterday to not do everything in my power to see to it that doesn't happen again.Завершение
You are an honorable <класс>, <имя>! I will see to it that these bandages get into the right hands. You have my thanks, and that of the Horde.Go in peace, and return to me again should you find yourself with excess wool bandaging. We can use all of the help that we can get here.