Альянсу по-прежнему не хватает шелковых бинтов!
Принесите 20 шелковых бинтов медсестре Стоунфилд на аэродром в Дун Морог.Описание
Очень мило с твой стороны снова предложить мне помощь, |3-6(<класс>). Мы пока собрали всего лишь $2082w шелковых бинтов, так что еще работать и работать.Прогресс
It is very kind of you to offer to help me again, <класс>. It looks like we've collected a goodly number of the silk bandages we've been tasked with, but we still need more. <имя>, is there any way that you could see fit to put together another bundle and return them to me here? The Alliance and I will be most grateful.Завершение
You are such a selfless person. Thank you very much for your contribution to the war effort. It's people like you that are going to make the difference between success and failure at Ahn'Qiraj. I just hope that all of this will be enough.Thanks again, <имя>.