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  • Уровень: 55
  • Требуется уровень: 52
  • Сторона: Обе фракции
  • Начало:Туалет
  • Конец: Туалет
  • Можно поделиться
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The door to the outhouse has begun to splinter at the edges of the frame as though it has been repeatedly and incessantly tried to be forced open. It is currently locked up tight from the outside of the outhouse.

As you rattle the door, you hear a guttural moaning come from inside! Whatever is inside there, it certainly does not sound friendly.


Using the key found on the skeleton of the former Mrs. Dalson, you unlock the door to the outhouse. A bloodthirsty ghoul leaps from the outhouse, having been trapped inside for who knows how long.

It is clear by the bloodcurdling scream of the ghoul at your presence that the former Farmer Dalson is now beyond saving.

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Рейтинг: 0 [-] [+]
От Пчелка2 10/22/2015; Сервер: WoW Circle, Версия: 3.3.5
Убиваем Бродячего скелета, берем у него ключ от туалета. Появляется фермер и с него берем ключ от шкафа для следующего квеста.
Рейтинг: 0 [-] [+]
От Gwynbliedd 05/09/2018; Сервер: WoW Circle, Версия: 3.3.5
Квест рабочий, пройден(wowcircle 3.3.5 x5)