Поговорите с Белгромом Каменной Булавой в Оргриммаре.Описание
Вернись в Оргриммар к Белгрому. Он захочет увидеть ее голову своими глазами! Мы там тоже скоро будем.Удачный у нас денек! Спасибо за помощь, <имя>.
I remember you, <класс>. I asked you to go to Azshara to destroy that wench that betrayed me! That seems like many moons ago. Don't tell me that Ag'tor and the others are dead also!Завершение
HAHA! Look at you now, pathetic woman! I spit on your remains!Thank you, <имя>. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! This is indeed a great day!
I would give you a kingdom if it were in my power! But perhaps you will settle for this.
<Belgrom looks down at the head of the <класс> who had betrayed him.>
Haha! Stupid blood elf, look at you now... in a burlap sack and missing your body! You should never have betrayed Belgrom!
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